Definition of excellence and its objectives
Excellence is defined as a comprehensive term that depends on all aspects and dimensions in the government entity, private companies and various sectors, including human resources.
Excellence is a process that requires taking several steps in the right way and does not happen by chance.
Institutional excellence means:
Exclusivity and positive superiority in performance, practices and services provided, and it is considered an advanced stage of proficiency in work and efficient and effective performance based on pioneering management concepts that include focus on performance and results, customer service, effective leadership, management with information and facts, development of operations, involvement of human resources, continuous improvement and innovation, and building successful partnerships .
Administrative Excellence:
It is a set of practices adopted by the organization / institution in its organizational units, leadership and human resources in order to develop its operations, improve its performance, and empower its employees in various institutional areas to meet its needs and achieve its strategic objectives in a competitive manner that satisfies its customers and society.
Excellence is also known: Exclusivity and excellence in performance and results, providing services efficiently and effectively, in a way that meets and exceeds the needs and expectations of customers and other stakeholders, through methodologies And applied work mechanisms that ensure continuous improvement in all aspects of performance.
Job Excellence:
It is the effort and effective performance that makes a person stand out and stand out from others and excel them in his work and performance of his job duties with high professionalism.
Excellence idiomatically: It is the uniqueness by which you can appear and excel over others. There is no doubt that achieving excellence is a dream that all workers in all work sectors have. Perhaps the provision of effective and important means and methods and access to quality means the existence of an effective employee and a successful institution capable of performing its mission and function to the fullest. An official who does not care about excellence in his work and does not put his people on the list of his priorities is not keen on preparing a generation capable of serving his society and thus has harmed the supreme interest for which he was found.
Excellence Goals:
- Developing and unifying the strategy and key performance indicators at the level of organizational units
- Meeting the needs of customers through the establishment of a database, complaints system, call center and surveys.
- Ensuring the implementation of strategic plans and consistent commitment at the level of the organization’s organizational units.
- Defining concepts of continuous development and focusing on mandatory international and local standards for internal quality auditing and quality assurance management
- Ensure that effective governance, internal controls framework, risk management and planning process are ensured.
- Spreading a culture of institutional excellence among organizational units, branches and human resources.
- Ensuring compliance with information security systems standards and setting the necessary procedures for them
- Setting up systems and mechanisms to motivate all employees, customers and partners of the organization to share their creative ideas.
Defining efficiencyand effectiveness
Efficiency: Achievement of outputs through optimal use of available inputs and resources.
Effectiveness: It is the compatibility of outputs with specific institutional objectives and consistent with the vision and mission of the entity.